*Please note, by appointment only
Diagnostic + Assessment Service
There is the potential for us to perform a multidisciplinary assessment of your child in the context of your family. Please discuss with your practitioner(s).
Comprehensive assessments can be completed in one session or over several sessions or locations. Following preparation of the intervention plan, our team will then discuss the outcomes with you and recommendations for the most effective way forward. |
NDIS SupportThe National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides support to eligible people with intellectual, physical, sensory, cognitive and psychosocial disability. Early intervention supports can also be provided for eligible people with disability or children with developmental delay. For more information on the NDIS please see https://raisingchildren.net.au/disability/ndis/about-ndis/ndis-faqs
Many of KITEs professionals are able to support a child with NDIS funding, particularly those with self-managed plans. Some of our professionals are also NDIS registered providers who are able to undertake services for those families that have agency managed funds. If you are unsure of your funding status, please contact your NDIS Local Planner or Local Area Coordinator. For Urgent HelpKITE does not provide an emergency or instant response service. If you or someone you care about is critically ill, feeling suicidal or in a crisis please seek help immediately. You can go to your nearest hospital’s emergency department or if in Australia call 000. Lifeline 131 114. Kids Helpline 1300 551 800.
TelemedicineTelemedicine refers to the practice of caring for patients remotely when the provider and patient are not physically present with each other, but supports them, so it is most suited for follow-up, distance patients or review appointments.
If you are interested in a Telehealth appointment speak to your KITE professional to see if telehealth is right for your situation. |